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    All comments by Ty

    People Are Talking: UMS presents Ryoji Ikeda’s superposition at Power Center:

  • Excellent show!

    I just cannot stop thinking about that intro. It was like the universe of digital media was being created before our very eyes—like the Big Bang except with binary defined the universe instead of physics.

    The progression from the singular light blips to the grids to the three-dimensional digital landscape had given me great hopes for comparing the realm of the digital with our own world, especially with those grids that looked a lot like star patterns.

    As it turned out, my expectations seemed a lot different from what Ikeda had to say . He lost me somewhere in the middle, though, and I had a hard time trying to sort out what was going on past the session with the Morse code.
    From a technical perspective, I had a lot of trouble trying to pick up on all the text that was being presented. Sometimes it was difficult to follow the long strings of Morse, and at other times the text appeared and disappeared so fast that comprehension was impossible. At one point I also remember text that too small for me to read at all, but that was probably due to my distance from the stage. I also had the misfortune of sitting in a position that blocked my view of one of the screens with a speaker, making it even more difficult to pick up on all that Ikeda was trying to communicate. Has anyone else had a similar problem? (I was sitting in the mezzanine during the performance).

    All of that aside, I found the performance quite beautiful and can honestly say that I quite enjoyed it.