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    All comments by Mike O'Model

    People are Talking: UMS Presents The Chieftains:

  • The publicity photo does not match those who appeared.

  • People are Talking: UMS Presents The Chieftains:

  • Wrongo. The jig and toe tapping was just as musical as all else, including that of the female fiddler. Every aspect of the show was fantastic and especially the female singer, the piper band, and the snake dance at the end. I did nit notice any shrieking or whistling per se, but I was on the main floor and not the balcony. Some of the hoots and hollers were from the band. Response from the audience, including the rhythmic clapping added to the show.

    In response to:

    The music was great. I could have done without those two guys dancing the jig. It was fine for a couple of minutes, but I came to hear the music.

    by Liz
  • People Are Talking: UMS presents Compagnie Marie Chouinard at Power Center:

  • Magnifique. We were not sure what to expect, but the performance of both pieces was incredible. The choreography and the dancers were fantastic and profound. One of the best dance performances at UMS over the years

  • People Are Talking: Susurrus:

  • The concept, the surroundings and the music were great. We toured on Sunday at 3:00 and the weather was perfect. The story line, however, was a real downer. The story of "incest", homosexual rivalry, sparrow dissection, etc. was not very uplifting in comparison to the environment. I would recommend the experience but overall both my wife and I felt as we did after seeing the movie Looking For Mr. Goodbar. We were happy when the story was over.