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    All comments by Ilia Markov

    People are Talking: UMS Presents Goran Bregovic and his Wedding and Funeral Orchestra at Hill Auditorium:

  • As always a very energetic and exciting performance by Mr. Bregovic and his orchestra. I am from Bulgaria so hearing my native folk music being performed at stage (the two Bulgarian singers sang one song) almost brought me to tears.

    I understand that for some people the music was too loud, but this is how you play Balkan music, it is not supposed to be enjoyed quietly…

    Thank you, UMS!

  • People Are Talking: UMS presents Ahmad Jamal at Hill Auditorium:

  • It’s been a while since I enjoyed a concert as much. Other jazz musicians I’ve listened to like to interact more with the public and put up more of a show, but Mr. Jamal’s show is all in his music.

    His tunes sound so classic and so fresh at the same time. They sound like they’re coming from all over the world – New Orleans, Latin America, Africa.

    Thank you for a wonderful night!