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    All comments by Russell W. Reister

    Share Your Hill Auditorium Memories:

  • On the afternoon of March 27th, 1986 I received a call from Gail Rector. He sounded worried and asked if I would come over to Hill Auditorium that afternoon.

    When I met him he explained that Andres Segovia was performing that evening and we needed to eliminate all extraneous sounds during the concert.We proceeded to go on stage where he asked me if I could hear that C flat. Not knowing a C flat from A sharp I told him I did hear a humming sound. As we listened more intently we decided the sound was coming from the back of the second balcony, in the far corner of the auditorium where an exhaust fan was running. I arranged to have the fan shut off and the auditorium fell silent.

    That evening, before the concert, Gail brought Andres Segovia to our seats and introduced him to my wife and me. What a marvelous gesture and a thrill for us. And then, of course, the music was extraordinary. A solo guitar filled that great hall with beautiful melodies. During quiet moments between numbers you could hear a pin drop. The auditorium was beautifully silent. No C flat could be heard. Mission accomplished!