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    All comments by Jared Hunter

    People Are Talking: UMS presents Compagnie Käfig at Power Center:

  • I also totally agree with that! The show was absolutely amazing. Very entertaining and creativity was filled throughout the entire room. Would definitely go and see it again!

    In response to:

    Campagnie Käfig was the perfect blend of hip-hop and capoeira dance. The concert was surprisingly enjoying from beginning to end. I loved how they began the show laying on the floor patting, and kicking their feet. This was the beginning of a reoccurring theme of making music with their bodies, and subtle movement making a big impact, throughout the rest of the show. Their precision and use of props created an illusions that I’ve never seen on stage before. I would definitely go see them again!!!

    by Taylor Williams
  • People Are Talking: UMS presents Compagnie Käfig at Power Center:

  • The Compaigne Kafig performance was one of the most exhilarating and intriguing performances that I have ever witnessed. The combination of Hip-Hop dance, acrobatics, as well as classical music was one of the coolest compilations that I have ever seen. On a side note, besides the entertainment value of the show, it was difficult to find the underlying theme of the pieces. While they choreography was well put together and had a ton of climatic moments, the story of the show was difficult to identify with.

    Overall I truly enjoyed the show! I am really excited for the next UMS show. The diversity of the season has opened my eyes to a ton of different art experiences.